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Humane OWL RDF and OWL for humans.

# Define your prefixes...
PREFIX rdf:>
PREFIX rdfs:>
PREFIX xsd:>
PREFIX owl:>
PREFIX obo:>

# then abbreviate your IRIs
# so <>
# can be shortened to: rdf:type
# Set a base IRI...

# then use relative IRIs in angle brackets: < >
# so <> 
# can be shortened to <howl-demo.owl> 
rdfs:label: Example Ontology
rdf:type:> owl:Ontology
# Specify your own labels...
LABEL rdf:type: type
LABEL rdfs:label: label
LABEL rdfs:comment: comment
LABEL rdfs:subClassOf: subclass of
LABEL owl:equivalentClass: equivalent to
LABEL obo:IAO_0000115: definition

# then use them in your statements
label: Frog
definition: A circular definition of frog.

# Your 'rdfs:label' statments also specify labels
# that you can use in subsequent statements,
# e.g. 'label: Frog' can be used as Kermit's type
type:> Frog
# Set a language or datatype...
TYPE label:> @en
TYPE comment:> xsd:string

# that will apply by default
label: French Fries
comment: A comment string

# but can be overridden
label: Frites@fr
comment: 1000^^xsd:integer
# It's easy to use tables with HOWL
# and define many terms concisely
SUBJECT          label:                      type:>
obo:BFO_0000040  material entity             owl:Class
obo:BFO_0000051  has part                    owl:ObjectProperty
obo:BFO_0000055  realizes                    owl:ObjectProperty
obo:IAO_0000030  information content entity  owl:Class
obo:IAO_0000112  example of usage            owl:AnnotationProperty
obo:IAO_0000115  definition                  owl:AnnotationProperty
obo:IAO_0000117  term editor                 owl:AnnotationProperty
obo:IAO_0000118  alternative term            owl:AnnotationProperty
obo:IAO_0000119  definition source           owl:AnnotationProperty
obo:IAO_0000136  is about                    owl:ObjectProperty
obo:OBI_0000011  planned process             owl:Class
obo:OBI_0000067  evaluant role               owl:Class
obo:OBI_0000070  assay                       owl:Class
obo:OBI_0000293  has_specified_input         owl:ObjectProperty
obo:OBI_0000299  has_specified_output        owl:ObjectProperty
obo:OBI_0000417  achieves_planned_objective  owl:ObjectProperty
obo:OBI_0000441  assay objective             owl:Class
obo:RO_0000087   has role                    owl:ObjectProperty
# Then press "Convert" to see the results of your changes below!
# Lines that start with '#' are just comments.

# Set the current subject using a label, prefixed name, or IRI
definition: A planned process with the objective to produce information about the material entity that is the evaluant, by physically examining it or its proxies.
type:> owl:Class
equivalent to:>> achieves_planned_objective some 'assay objective'
# Use ': ' for literal values: strings, numbers, dates, etc.
example of usage: Assay the wavelength of light emitted by excited Neon atoms. Count of geese flying over a house.

# Use ':> ' for links: IRIs, prefixed names, or labels
subclass of:> planned process

# Use ':>> ' for complex expressions
subclass of:>> realizes some 'evaluant role'

# Use indentation to continue long lines
subclass of:>> has_specified_input some
  ('material entity'
   and ('has role' some 'evaluant role'))

subclass of:>> has_specified_output some
  ('information content entity'
   and ('is about' some
      ('material entity'
       and ('has role' some 'evaluant role'))))
# Easily add OWL annotations, even annotations on annotations...
label: Another Subject
comment: A comment on 'label: Another Subject'.
> comment: An annotation on a comment.
>> comment: An annotation on an annotation.
# Change to a named graph
GRAPH ex:example-graph
label: Example Graph

comment: This subject is in the Example Graph.

# Then back to the default graph

comment: This subject is in the default graph.

# WARNING: OWL only uses the default graph!



© 2016 James A. Overton